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1NVEST ETFs LIMITED - Listing of Additional Securities Partial Redemption of Securities

Release Date: 01/12/2023 08:14
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Listing of Additional Securities
Partial Redemption of Securities

1nvest Fund Managers (PTY) Ltd
(Registration number: 2018/339947/07) (1nvest is the investment manager of the 1nvest ETFs under
the Scheme) (STANLIB Collective Investment (RF) Pty Ltd (Registration number: 1969/003468/07)
is the appointed manager of the 1nvest ETFs being portfolios under the STANLIB ETF Collective
Investment Scheme ("the Scheme") registered in the Republic of South Africa in terms of the
Collective Investment Schemes Control Act)

1nvest SA Property Index Feeder ETF
(being a portfolio under the Scheme)
Share Code: ETFSAP
ISIN: ZAE000279238
Abbreviated Name: ETFSAPROP

1nvest S&P500 Info Tech Index Feeder ETF
(being a portfolio under the Scheme)
Share Code: ETF5IT ISIN: ZAE000255063
Abbreviated Name: ETFSP5IT

1nvest USD Short-Dated Treasury Index Feeder ETF
(being a portfolio under the Scheme)
Share code: ETFUSDTSB ISIN: ZAE000313391
Abbreviated Name: ETFUSD

 Listing of Additional Securities

 Participants are advised that the JSE Limited has approved the listing of an additional participatory
 interests as per the table below:
   Share Code Effective Date             Price per     No. of additional         Total issued
                                         security      participatory             no.     of
                                         (cents)       interests listed          securities after

   ETF5IT        01 December 2023        2,203                 49,500              38,016,300
   ETFUSD        01 December 2023        1,896                 50,000              7,418,400

 Partial Redemption of Securities

 Participants are advised that the JSE Limited has approved the redemption and delisting of
 participatory interests as per the table below:
   Share Code           Effective Date           Price per No. of Redemption Total        issued
                                                 security  and Delisting of    no.            of
                                                 (cents)   Participatory       securities after
                                                           interests           redemption

   ETFSAP              01 December 2023                3,019                230,000          20,168,000

 01 December 2023
 Investment Bank and Sponsor
 The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Date: 01-12-2023 08:14:00
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