JSE Market Heatmap - All Share (J203)
Price: 86,434   Move: -643 (-0.74%)
22/10/2024 15:40

This heatmap provides an at-a-glance view to which shares are having the most impact on the JSE or chosen sector today. The area of the squares are related to the value traded in the share (the money flows) and the color of the square is related to the size of the daily move in the shares' price. Hold your mouse over a square for more information or click on a square to get full details and chart on the share.

JSE Market Heatmap - All Share (J203)
Price: 86,434   Move: -643 (-0.74%)

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This heatmap provides an at-a-glance view to which shares are having the most impact on the JSE or chosen sector today. The area of the squares are related to the value traded in the share (the money flows) and the color of the square is related to the size of the daily move in the shares' price. Hold your mouse over a square for more information or click on a square to get full details.

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