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EXXARO RESOURCES LIMITED - Results Of The 23rd Annual General Meeting Of Shareholders Of Exxaro.

Release Date: 24/05/2024 14:47
Code(s): EXX EXX05     PDF:  
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Results Of The 23rd Annual General Meeting Of Shareholders Of Exxaro.

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration Number: 2000/011076/06)
JSE share code: EXX
ISIN: ZAE000084992
Bond Code: EXX05
ISIN No: ZAG000160334
("Exxaro" or the "Company")


Exxaro shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting ("AGM") of shareholders of the
Company held on Thursday, 23 May 2024, the ordinary and special resolutions proposed at the AGM
were unaltered from that reflected in the notice of AGM dated 23 April 2024 and were approved by the
requisite majority of votes.

In this regard, Exxaro confirms the voting statistics from the Annual General Meeting as follows:

 Total number of shares in issue                                                                 349 305 092
 Total number of shares represented (including proxies) at the AGM                               281 404 152
 Proportion of total voteable shares represented at the AGM                                      80,56%

 Resolutions                                Votes cast disclosed as a        Number of        Shares voted    Shares
                                            percentage of the total number   Shares Voted     disclosed as    abstained
                                            of shares voted at the meeting                    percentage of   disclosed as a
                                                                                              the total       percentage of
                                                                                              issued shares   the total
                                                                                                              issued shares

                                            For            Against
 Ordinary resolution number 1.1: Re-        99,95%          0,05%            281 398 532      80,56%          0,00%
 election of Ms Mandlesilo Msimang as a
 non-executive director
 Ordinary resolution number 1.2: Re-        97,10%          2,90%            281 398 532      80,56%          0,00%
 election of Mr Mvuleni Geoffrey Qhena as
 an independent non-executive director
 Ordinary resolution number 1.3: Election   95,45%          4,55%            281 398 532      80,56%          0,00%
 of Ms Nosipho Molope as an independent
 non-executive director
 Ordinary resolution number 2.1: Re-        98,64%          1,36%            281 398 532      80,56%          0,00%
 election of Mr Billy Mawasha as a member
 of the group Audit Committee
 Ordinary resolution number 2.2: Re-        98,71%          1,29%            281 398 532      80,56%          0,00%
 election of Ms Nondumiso Medupe as a
 member of the group Audit Committee

Resolutions                                   Votes cast disclosed as a        Number of      Shares voted    Shares
                                              percentage of the total number   Shares Voted   disclosed as    abstained
                                              of shares voted at the meeting                  percentage of   disclosed as a
                                                                                              the total       percentage of
                                                                                              issued shares   the total
                                                                                                              issued shares

                                              For              Against
Ordinary resolution number 2.3: Election
of Ms Nosipho Molope as a member of the       95,69%          4,31%            281 398 532    80,56%          0,00%
group Audit Committee

Ordinary resolution number 2.4: Re-
election of Ms Chanda Nxumalo as a
member of the group Audit Committee           99,85%          0,15%            281 398 532    80,56%          0,00%

Ordinary resolution number 3.1: Re-
election of Dr Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi as
a member of the group social, ethics and      98,79%          1,21%            281 398 532    80,56%          0,00%
responsibility committee

Ordinary resolution number 3.2: Re-
election of Ms Karin Ireton as a member of
the group Social, ethics and responsibility   99,99%          0,01%            281 398 532    80,56%          0,00%

Ordinary resolution number 3.3: Election
of Dr Phumla Mnganga as a member of the
group Social, ethics and responsibility       99,94%          0,06%            281 398 532    80,56%          0,00%

Ordinary resolution number 3.4: Re-
election of Mr Peet Snyders as a member
of the group Social, ethics and               99,77%          0,23%            281 398 532    80,56%          0,00%
responsibility committee

Ordinary resolution number 3.5: Election
of Ms Nosipho Molope as a member of the
group Social, ethics and responsibility       95,75%          4,25%            281 398 532    80,56%          0,00%

Ordinary resolution number 3.6: Election
of Dr Nombasa Tsengwa as a member of
the group Social, ethics and responsibility   99,98%          0,02%            281 398 532    80,56%          0,00%

Ordinary resolution number 3.7: Election
of Mr Riaan Koppeschaar as a member of
the group Social, ethics and responsibility   99,83%          0,17%            281 398 532    80,56%          0,00%

Ordinary resolution number 4: Resolution
to appoint KPMG Inc. as independent
external auditor for the financial year       99,98%          0,02%            281 379 156    80,55%          0,01%
ending 31 December 2024, until the
conclusion of the next AGM
Ordinary resolution number 5: Resolution
for a general authority to place authorised
but unissued ordinary shares under the        80,70%          19,30%           281 379 286    80,55%          0,01%
control of the directors

Ordinary resolution number 6: Resolution
                                              79,46%          20,54%           281 379 285    80,55%          0,01%
for a general authority to issue shares for
 Ordinary resolution number 7: Resolution
 to authorise director and/or group
 company secretary to implement the            100,00%        0,00%            281 379 156     80,55%         0,01%
 resolutions set out in the notice of the
 Special resolution number 1: Special
 resolution to approve non-executive 
 directors' fees for the period 1 June 2024     96,89%        3,11%            281 379 086      80,55%        0,01%
 to the end of the month in which the next
 AGM is held
 Special resolution number 2: Special
                                                84,77%        15,23%           281 378 803      80,55%        0,01%
 resolution to authorise financial assistance
 for the subscription of securities
 Special resolution number 3: Special
 resolution to authorise financial assistance   98,58%        1,42%            281 324 392      80,54%        0,02%
 to related or inter-related companies
 Special resolution number 4: Special
 resolution for a general authority to          84,32%        15,68%           281 315 342      80,54%        0,03%
 repurchase shares
 Non-Binding resolution number 1:
 Resolution through non-binding advisory
                                                93,34%        6,66%            281 311 356      80,53%        0,03%
 note to approve the Exxaro remuneration
 Non-Binding resolution number 2:
 Resolution through non-binding advisory
 note to endorse the implementation of the      93,30%        6,70%            281 311 356      80,53%        0,03%
 Exxaro remuneration policy


24 May 2024

Lead Equity Sponsor and Debt Sponsor to Exxaro Resources Limited
Absa Corporate and Investment Bank, a division of Absa Bank Limited

Joint Equity Sponsor to Exxaro Resources Limited
Tamela Holdings Proprietary Limited

Date: 24-05-2024 02:47:00
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