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ORION MINERALS LIMITED - Appendix 3H Notification of Cessation of Securities

Release Date: 01/12/2023 07:38
Code(s): ORN     PDF:  
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Appendix 3H – Notification of Cessation of Securities

Orion Minerals Limited
Incorporated in the Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Company Number 098 939 274
ASX share code: ORN
JSE share code: ORN
ISIN: AU000000ORN1

Appendix 3H – Notification of Cessation of Securities

Shareholders of Orion Minerals Ltd (ASX/JSE: ORN) (Orion or the Company) are advised that the Company
has released an Appendix 3H - Notification of Cessation of Securities, on the Australian Securities Exchange.

The Appendix is available on the Company's website,

For and on behalf of the Board.

Martin Bouwmeester
Company Secretary

1 December 2023


Investors                               Media                                 JSE Sponsor
Errol Smart – Managing Director & CEO   Nicholas Read                         Monique Martinez
Denis Waddell – Chairman                Read Corporate, Australia             Merchantec Capital
T: +61 (0) 3 8080 7170                  T: +61 (0) 419 929 046                T: +27 (0) 11 325 6363
E:            E:      E:

Date: 01-12-2023 07:38:00
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