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TRANSACTION CAPITAL LIMITED - Trading Statement in respect of the half year ended 31 March 2024

Release Date: 14/05/2024 15:30
Code(s): TCP TC002 TC001     PDF:  
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Trading Statement in respect of the half year ended 31 March 2024

Transaction Capital Limited                                   TransCapital Investments Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 2002/031730/06                           Registration number: 2016/130129/06
JSE share code: TCP                                           Bond company code: TCII
ISIN: ZAE000167391                                            LEI: 378900AA31160C6B8195                                                             
("Transaction Capital" or "the company" or "the group")


Trading Update

The key highlight of the half year ended 31 March 2024 ("H1 2024") was the successful unbundling, placement
and separate listing of WeBuyCars on the main board of the JSE Limited ("JSE"). This allowed Transaction
Capital to return R5.2 billion to shareholders through the distribution of 256.3 million WeBuyCars shares. The
group further raised R1.0 billion via the placement which allowed Transaction Capital to materially pay down
its debt (shortly after the H1 2024 period) and move to a net cash position at a holding company level.

In H1 2024, Mobalyz made a core loss from continuing operations driven primarily by the reduction of the
absconsion, violation and credit shortfall cover (AVCS) in SA Taxi's insurance business, which has resulted in a
once-off net loss of R966 million. SA Taxi, together with the funders, elected to materially reduce this cover,
resulting in an accelerated impairment charge. Despite the adverse impact that this decision has had on the
period's earnings, it is necessary to create a sustainable insurance business, which has now been achieved.

As a result of the fact that SA Taxi has not yet achieved a balance sheet restructure, the business is currently
being managed with a priority on preserving and generating cash as opposed to optimising profit. As such,
commercial decisions that prioritise cash generation are being executed at the expense of profitability. This
approach has the support of the funders. These losses incurred at SA Taxi, its subsidiaries and funding entities,
while consolidated in accordance with IFRS at a group level, are not funded by Transaction Capital nor do they
impact the equity of Transaction Capital at a holding company level.

As a consequence of the corporate activities in H1 2024, Transaction Capital has achieved its objective of
becoming an unencumbered investment holding company with two assets: 100% of Nutun and 75% of
Mobalyz (written down to zero) with net cash of approximately R120 million.

Trading Statement

In accordance with the Listings Requirements of the JSE, Transaction Capital advises shareholders of the
following expected ranges for H1 2024:

                                                 Half year ended      Half year ended       Half year ended
                                                   31 March 2024       31 March 2024          31 March 2023
                                                        Expected             Expected                Actual
                                                    number range     percentage range           restated(1)
 Continuing earnings(2)
 Basic loss                                 -R1 287m to -R1 457m         -25% to -15%              -R1 706m
 Basic loss per share               -167.2 cents to -189.2 cents         -26% to -16%          -224.9 cents
 Headline loss                              -R1 184m to -R1 354m         -31% to -21%              -R1 704m
 Headline loss per share            -153.8 cents to -175.8 cents         -32% to -22%          -224.6 cents
 Core loss(3)                               -R1 427m to -R1 451m                >100%                  -R1m
 Core loss per share(3)             -185.4 cents to -188.6 cents                >100%            -0.1 cents

 Total earnings
 Basic loss                                  -R1 289m to -R1 458m        -23% to -13%              -R1 684m
 Basic loss per share                -167.5 cents to -189.3 cents        -25% to -15%          -222.0 cents
 Headline loss                               -R1 242m to -R1 412m        -26% to -16%              -R1 686m
 Headline loss per share             -161.5 cents to -183.4 cents        -27% to -17%          -222.3 cents
 Core earnings/loss(3)                       -R1 083m to -R1 107m               >100%                 R242m
 Core earnings/loss per share(3)     -140.5 cents to -143.7 cents               >100%            31.9 cents

1.   Comparative information for 31 March 2023 has been restated for the correction of the Nutun CX put option liability, reversal
     of the discontinued operations related to the SA Taxi auto refurbishment and repair business due to the reversal of the decision
     to sell and the classification of WeBuyCars, Nutun Australia and Nutun Transact as discontinued operations.
2.   Earnings/loss from continuing operations exclude results from discontinued operations.
3.   Core earnings from continuing operations is a non-IFRS measure which is calculated by adjusting headline earnings with the
      -    Once-off transaction costs which are directly attributable to corporate activity (which comprises mostly legal and
           consulting fees).
      -    Adjustments on put and call options over non-controlling interests.
      -    Once-off or accelerated items, where these are reasonably expected not to re-occur in the ordinary course of business in
           future reporting periods.
      -    Adding back specified headline earnings exclusions, if the gain/loss is considered part of Transaction Capital's normal

Results Announcement

Transaction Capital's results for the half year ended 31 March 2024 will be released on SENS on Tuesday, 21
May 2024.

Shareholders may register on the link below for the live results webcast:
Early Registration | Interim results 2024 (
A replay will be available shortly after the end of the call on the Transaction Capital website:

14 May 2024

Nomonde Xulu - Investor Relations

JSE sponsor: Investec Bank Limited
JSE debt sponsor: Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 14-05-2024 03:30:00
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