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Results of the 8th annual general meeting of MTNZF held on 10 April 2024
MTN Zakhele Futhi (RF) Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Date of incorporation: 21 June 2016)
(Registration number: 2016/268837/06)
JSE share code: MTNZF
ISIN: ZAE000279402
LEI: 378900429C4F73B1BE74
Shareholders of MTNZF are advised that at the 8th Annual General Meeting ("AGM") held on Wednesday, 10th April 2024
at 09:00 (South African time), all the ordinary and special resolutions, as set out in the notice of AGM dated 8 March
2024, were presented to the shareholders entitled to vote being present in person/virtually and/or represented by
Ordinary share capital votes
The total number of MTNZF ordinary shares present and represented, including proxies, at the meeting was 37 747 069
or 30,59 % of MTNZF's issued ordinary share capital.
The MTNZF ordinary share voting results were as follows:
Number of
of Ordinary For (%) Against (%) Abstain (%)
shares in ** ** *
Shares voted
issue *
Ordinary resolution number 1.1: Re-election 37 719 310 30,56 99,91 0,09 0,02
of –Sindisiwe Mabaso-Koyana as a director
Ordinary resolution number 1.2: Re-election 37 721 016 30,56 99,90 0,10 0,02
of Edward Pitsi as a director
Ordinary resolution number 2.1: Election of 37 721 097 30,56 99,98 0,02 0,02
Grant Gelink as a member of the audit, risk,
and compliance committee
Ordinary resolution number 2.2: Election of 37 720 432 30,56 99,93 0,07 0,02
Edward Pitsi as a member of the audit, risk,
and compliance committee
Ordinary resolution number 2.3: Election of 37 719 473 30,56 99,93 0,07 0,02
Belinda Mapongwana as a member of the
audit, risk and compliance committee
Ordinary resolution number 3: Re- 37 713 521 30,56 99,92 0,08 0,03
appointment of external auditors
Special resolution number 1: Proposed 37 022 560 30,00 99,78 0,22 0,59
remuneration payable to non-executive
Special resolution number 2: Proposed 37 029 710 30,00 99,81 0,19 0,58
financial assistance by a company in the
form of a loan, guarantee or the provision of
* Expressed as a percentage of the 123 416 818 MTNZF ordinary shares in issue as at the Voting Record Date.
** Expressed as a percentage of the ordinary shares voted.
Preference shareholder voting
The total number of MTNZF preference shares present and represented, including proxies, at the meeting was 755 612
or 100 % of MTNZF's issued preference share capital.
The MTNZF preference share voting results were as follows:
Number of of Abstain
For (%) Against (%)
RESOLUTION: Preference Preference (%)
** **
Shares voted shares in *
issue *
Special resolution number 2: Proposed 755 612 100 100 0 0
financial assistance by a company in the
form of a loan, guarantee or the provision of
* Expressed as a percentage of the 755 612 MTNZF preference shares in issue as at the Voting Record Date.
** Expressed as a percentage of the preference shares voted.
SizweNtsalubaGobodo Grant Thornton Inc. issued a factual finding report on the results.
11 April 2024
JSE sponsor
Tamela Holdings Proprietary Limited
Date: 11-04-2024 05:00:00
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