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NICTUS LIMITED - Condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 September 2023

Release Date: 08/12/2023 09:00
Code(s): NCS     PDF:  
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Condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 September 2023

Nictus Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 1981/011858/06
ISIN code: NA0009123481
Share code: NCS
("Nictus" or the "Company" or the "Group")


The board of directors of Nictus ("Directors" or the "Board") announces the condensed consolidated
interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 September 2023 ("Results").

Some financials and salient indicators of the Results include:

-   Profit for the period increased to R3.7 million (2022: loss of R0.4 million*)
-   Basic earnings per share of 6.93 cents (2022: basic loss per share of 0.71 cents*)
-   Headline earnings per share of 6.94 cents (2022: headline loss per share of 0.82 cents*)

*Comparative information was restated for the initial application of IFRS 17. Detailed disclosure is
contained in note 7 of the Results.

The Results have not been audited or reviewed by the Group's auditor.


No interim dividend was declared for the current nor comparative prior period.

The Board declared a final gross cash dividend of 5.00 cents per ordinary share for the year ended
31 March 2023 on Friday, 30 June 2023, to all the ordinary shareholders recorded in the share register
of Nictus at the close of business on Friday, 21 July 2023. The dividend was paid on Monday,
24 July 2023.


This announcement is the responsibility of the Directors.

As the information in this announcement does not provide all of the details, any investment decisions
should be based on the published full Results which are available through the Company's website at and accessible via the JSE
cloudlink at

8 December 2023

One Capital

Professor Barend J Willemse (Independent non-executive chairperson)
Cornelius J de Vrye (Independent non-executive director)
Sarita Martin (Independent non-executive director)
Philippus J de W Tromp (Non-executive director)
Gerard R de V Tromp (Executive Group managing director)
Eckhart H Prozesky (Executive Group financial director)
Company secretary
Veritas Eksekuteurskamer Proprietary Limited
Registration number: 1984/007487/07
Block C, 1st floor
The Main Straight Office Park
392 Main Road, Bryanston 2191
South Africa

PO Box 2878
Randburg 2125
South Africa

JSE Sponsor
One Capital Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited
17 Fricker Road
Illovo, Sandton 2196
South Africa

Registered office of the Company
Head office
Block C, 1st floor
The Main Straight Office Park
392 Main Road, Bryanston 2191
South Africa

PO Box 2878
Randburg 2125
South Africa

Windhoek office
Nictus Building, 1st floor
140 Mandume Ndemufayo Avenue
Windhoek, Namibia

Private Bag 13231
Windhoek, Namibia

Auditor and reporting accountant
PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc.
4 Lisbon Lane, Waterfall City
Juskei View 2090

Private Bag X36
Sunninghill 2157
South Africa

Date: 08-12-2023 09:00:00
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