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CA SALES HOLDINGS LIMITED - Results Of The General Meeting, Finalisation Announcement In Relation To The Odd-Lot Offer And Odd-Lot Offer Price

Release Date: 26/06/2023 14:00
Code(s): CAA     PDF:  
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Results Of The General Meeting, Finalisation Announcement In Relation To The Odd-Lot Offer And Odd-Lot Offer Price

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 2011/143100/06
Registered as an external company in the Republic of Botswana
Botswana registration number: BW00001085331
JSE Limited (“JSE”) share code: CAA
Botswana Stock Exchange (“BSE”) share code: CAS-EQO
ISIN: ZAE400000036
(“CA&S” or the “Company”)


CA&S shareholders (“Shareholders”) are referred to the circular (“Circular”) distributed to
Shareholders on Friday, 26 May 2023, containing relevant information relating to the odd-lot
offer to Shareholders (“Odd-lot Offer”), including, inter alia, details of the general meeting at
which Shareholders would be entitled to vote on the resolutions required to implement the
Odd-lot Offer (“General Meeting”).

Unless otherwise indicated, the definitions and interpretations contained in the Circular apply,
mutatis mutandis, to the terms used in this announcement.


Shareholders are hereby advised that at the General Meeting conducted entirely by electronic
communication at 10:00 am today, Monday, 26 June 2023, all of the resolutions were passed
by the requisite majorities of Shareholders.

Details of the results of voting at the General Meeting are as follows:

                       Votes for         Votes         Number of     Number of          Number of
                      resolution       against            shares        shares             shares
                            as a    resolution      voted at the  voted at the          abstained
                      percentage          as a           General       General               as a
                        of total    percentage           Meeting       Meeting    as a percentage
                       number of      of total                      percentage          of shares
                          shares     number of                       of shares      in  in issue*
                        voted at        shares                          issue*
                             the      voted at
                         General           the
                         Meeting       General

  Special                99.998%        0.002%       408 255 330       85.954%            0.005%
  Number 1:
  authority to
  from the Odd-
  lot Holders
  Ordinary               99.998%        0.002%       408 255 330       85.954%            0.005%
  Number 1:
  of the Odd-lot

*  Total number of shares in issue as at the date of the General Meeting was 474 970 082, of
   which nil were treasury shares.


Following the above Shareholder approval, the Odd-lot Offer has become unconditional. The
salient dates and times in respect of the implementation of the Odd-lot Offer are as follows:

     Odd-lot Offer opens at 09:00 am                                          Tuesday, 27 June
     Last day for Shareholders on the BSE to trade in order to                 Friday, 14 July
     participate in the Odd-lot Offer
     Last day for Shareholders on the JSE to trade in order to                Tuesday, 18 July
     participate in the Odd-lot Offer
     Shares trade “ex” the Odd-lot Offer on                                 Wednesday, 19 July
     Forms of Election and Surrender for the Odd-lot Offer (blue) to be        Friday, 21 July
     received by the Secretaries by 12:00 pm on
     Odd-lot Offer closes at 12:00 pm on                                       Friday, 21 July
     Record date for the Odd-lot Offer (to determine which                     Friday, 21 July
     Shareholders are entitled to participate in the Odd-lot Offer) at
     close of business on
     Implementation of the Odd-lot Offer on                                    Monday, 24 July
     Dematerialised Odd-lot Holders who have accepted the Odd-lot              Monday, 24 July
     Offer or are deemed to have accepted the Odd-lot Offer will have
     their accounts held at their CSDP, CSDBP or broker credited with
     the Offer Price on
     Payments of the Offer Price to certificated Odd-lot Holders who           Monday, 24 July
     have accepted the Odd-lot Offer on
     Results of the Odd-lot Offer released on SENS and X-News on               Monday, 24 July
     Results of the Odd-lot Offer published in the press on                   Tuesday, 25 July
     Cancellation and termination of listing of CA&S Shares                  Thursday, 27 July
     repurchased in terms of the Odd-lot Offer expected on or about

1.      The above dates and times are subject to change. Any changes will be published on
        SENS and X-News.
2.      All times quoted in this announcement are South African Standard Time (identical to
        Botswana Standard Time).
3.      Dematerialised Odd-lot Holders are requested to notify their duly appointed CSDP,
        CSDBP or broker of their election by the cut-off time stipulated by their CSDP, CSDBP or
        broker. This will be an earlier date than the closing of the Odd-lot Offer.
4.      The last day for Shareholders on the BSE to trade in order to participate in the Odd-lot
        Offer will be Friday, 14 July 2023 due to 17 and 18 July 2023 being public holidays in
5.      In the case of certificated Odd-lot Holders who accept the Odd-lot Offer or are deemed to
        have accepted the Odd-lot Offer, payment will be made by electronic funds transfer into
        the bank accounts of such Odd-lot Holders on or about Monday, 24 July 2023, if such
        holders’ banking details have been provided in the relevant Form of Election and
        Surrender. Should no banking details be on record for such holders, the funds will be held
        by CA&S until such time as the details have been provided to the Secretaries.
6.      Those Odd-lot Holders who do not make an election will automatically be regarded as
        having chosen and accepted the Cash Consideration.
7.      Shareholders on the JSE may not dematerialise or rematerialise their Shares after the
        last day to trade, being Tuesday, 18 July 2023 up to and including the record date, being
        Friday, 21 July 2023.
8.      Shareholders on the BSE may not dematerialise or rematerialise their Shares after the
        last day to trade, being Friday, 14 July 2023 up to and including the record date, being
        Friday, 21 July 2023.
9.      No transfers of Shares shall be registered in the SA share register, or between the SA
        share register and the Botswana share register, between Monday, 26 June 2023 and
        Friday, 21 July 2023. All dates are inclusive.


3.1    The Odd-lot Offer Price will be calculated as the volume weighted average traded price
       of a CA&S Share on the JSE over the thirty trading days up to the close of business on
       Friday, 23 June 2023, being the last business day prior to the General Meeting (which
       price was 7,06.13153 South African cents (“ZAc”)) (“Offer Price”). For Shareholders
       on the Botswana share register, the Offer Price equates to 5,08.41470 Botswana thebe
       (“BWt”), calculated at the average South African Rand (“ZAR”) to Botswana Pula
       (“BWP”) exchange rate of ZAR 1 / BWP 0.72 on 23 June 2023.

3.2    As the Cash Consideration will not be funded out of contributed tax capital, the amount
       payable to Odd-lot Holders will constitute a “dividend” as defined in section 1 of the
       Income Tax Act, No. 58 of 1962, as amended (“Income Tax Act”). As a starting point
       CA&S is a South African resident for tax purposes. Any dividend that is declared by
       CA&S to South African holders will be deemed to be a local dividend and not a foreign
       dividend for South African tax purposes.

3.3    For Shares held on the South African share register, the Cash Consideration in itself
       will be exempt from income tax as it constitutes a dividend. The Cash Consideration
       will generally give rise to a liability for dividends tax at the rate of 20% in accordance
       with the Income Tax Act in the event that any Odd-lot Holder does not qualify for an
       exemption from the dividends tax. Such exemption is for instance available to South
       African companies, provided an Odd-lot Holder has signed and delivered the relevant
       declaration and undertaking to the Company beforehand. Non-resident Odd-lot
       Holders, South African individuals and South African trusts (if they are the beneficial
       holder of the Odd-lot Shares) will not qualify for the exemption from dividends tax.

3.4    A reduced rate of dividends tax will apply should the Odd-lot Holder be a non-resident
       and South Africa has concluded a double taxation convention with the country of which
       the Odd-lot Holder is a resident. In the event that any Odd-lot Holder does not qualify
       for an exemption from the dividends tax or a reduced rate of dividends tax applies,
       CA&S will withhold the relevant portion from the Cash Consideration in relation to a
       particular Shareholder in order to make payment of such liability for dividends tax.

3.5    Shareholders on the South African register are advised that the gross Offer Price is
       therefore ZAc 7,06.13153 per Share (“SA Gross Offer Price”) and that the Offer Price
       net of 20% dividend tax is ZAc 5,64.90522 per Share (“SA Net Offer Price”).

3.6     As per the double taxation agreement between Botswana and South Africa, withholding
        tax in South Africa of 15% is deducted from dividends distributed to Botswana
        Shareholders. Botswana Shareholders are therefore advised that the gross Offer Price
        is BWt 5,08.41470 per Share (“BW Gross Offer Price”) and that the Offer Price net of
        15% withholding tax is BWt 4,32.15250 per Share (“BW Net Offer Price”). Botswana
        Shareholders should consider whether any additional taxes may be applicable to them
        and obtain advice from a tax advisor, where appropriate.

3.7     Shareholders holding less than 100 Shares who do not make an election on whether
        or not to sell their Shares in terms of the Odd-lot Offer in accordance with the procedure
        detailed in the Circular will be deemed to have elected to sell their Shares.

3.8     Shareholders on the South African share register who elect to sell, or who are deemed
        to have elected to sell, their Shares in terms of the Offer for a cash consideration will

3.8.1    if they are exempt from dividend tax, the full Gross Offer Price per Share sold; or

3.8.2    if they are not exempt from dividend tax and are not entitled to a reduced tax rate in
         terms of a relevant double taxation agreement, the Net Offer Price per Share sold.

3.9     Botswana Shareholders who elect to sell, or who are deemed to have elected to sell,
        their Shares in terms of the Offer for a cash consideration will receive the BW Net Offer

3.10    The implementation of the Odd-lot Offer will not result in a reduction of the contributed
        tax capital of the Company.

3.11    Securities transfer tax at the rate of 0.25% of the Gross Offer Price per Share sold will
        be borne by the Company.

3.12    The summary of the tax considerations pertaining to the Odd-lot Offer is based on the
        current laws that are applicable as at the date of the Circular and is subject to potential
        changes that may be made to such legislation subsequently, which could be
        retrospective. The summary is a general guide and is not intended to constitute a
        complete analysis of the tax consequences of the Odd-lot Offer provisions in terms of
        South African tax law. It is not intended to be, nor should it be considered as legal or
        tax advice. CA&S and its advisors cannot be held responsible for the tax consequences
        of the Odd-lot Offer and therefore Shareholders are advised to consult their own tax
        advisors in this regard.

26 June 2023

Transaction Advisor and JSE Sponsor             BSE Sponsoring Broker
PSG Capital                                     Imara Capital Securities

Date: 26-06-2023 02:00:00
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