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PURPLE GROUP LIMITED - Allocations and acceptance of assignments and awards in respect of the Purple Group Share Incentive Plan

Release Date: 03/09/2024 14:30
Code(s): PPE     PDF:  
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Allocations and acceptance of assignments and awards in respect of the Purple Group Share Incentive Plan

Purple Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1998/013637/06)
Share code: PPE ISIN: ZAE000185526
("Purple Group" or "the Company")


Purple Group shareholders approved the implementation of the Purple Group Share Incentive
Plan ("Share Incentive Plan") at a general meeting, held on Friday, 3 June 2022. The purpose
of the Share Incentive Plan is to align executive directors, prescribed officers and key
management with shareholder interests and reward exceptional performance.

The Remuneration Committee has approved the following individual assignments of Hurdle
Share Appreciation Rights ("HSARs") and Performance Share Awards ("PSAs") to the
executive directors of the Company, in accordance with the provisions of the Share Incentive
Plan and the following executive directors have accepted the allocations made to them:

Number of HSARs:                     Charles Henry Savage – 1 576 203
                                     Gary Stewart van Dyk – 1 110 002

Number of PSAs:                      Charles Henry Savage – 2 894 771
                                     Gary Stewart van Dyk – 2 038 571

Date of transaction:                 30 August 2024

Nature of transaction:               Acceptance of assignments and awards in terms of the
                                     Share Incentive Plan

Nature of Interest:                  Direct Beneficial

Vesting Date:                        HSARs – 30 August 2031 (7 years)
                                     PSAs – 30 August 2027 (3 years)

PPE 30 day VWAP:                     R0.76

Current Value of subject shares @ 30 day VWAP: Charles Henry Savage – R3 397 940.24
                                               Gary Stewart van Dyk – R2 392 915.48

Class of Securities:                 HSARs provide participants with the right to be settled
                                     shares equal to the value by which the Company's share
                                     price on vesting date has outperformed the Hurdle Strike
                                     Price ("HSP").

                                     PSAs provide the participants the right to be settled the
                                     above mentioned number of shares in the Company or
                                     a pro-rata portion thereof on vesting date, subject to the
                                     level of performance achieved.

Starting Price:                      R1.00 (representing a 32% premium to the 30 day
                                     VWAP), being the price set by the Remuneration
                                     Committee to be utilised in the calculation of the HSP
                                     and the PSA Performance Targets.
HSP:                                 Formulaically determined - Starting Price compounded
                                     annually by the 3-year rolling return of the Financial 15
                                     Index (JSE Code: J212T) from Allocation Date up to the
                                     Vesting Date.

PSA Performance Targets:             Performance Level 1, 2 and 3
                                     Starting Price compounded by 2 times (Performance
                                     Level 1), 3 times (Performance Level 2) or 4 times
                                     (Performance Level 3) the 3-year rolling growth in the
                                     FINI15 index over the 3-year Vesting Period. Depending
                                     on the Performance Level attained by the vesting date,
                                     the participant would be settled between 33.33% and
                                     100% of the PSAs in shares.

Clearance was given for the above-mentioned off-market transactions by the Remuneration
Committee in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Listings Requirements.

Responsibility Statement

The Board accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement. To the
best of the Board's knowledge and belief, the information contained in this announcement is
true and nothing has been omitted which is likely to affect the importance of the information.

3 September 2024

Company Secretary: CTSE Registry Services Proprietary Limited
Sponsor: Deloitte & Touche Sponsor Services Proprietary Limited

Date: 03-09-2024 02:30:00
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