Award and acceptance of options, and exercise and related settlement of options CURRO HOLDINGS LIMITED Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa (Registration number: 1998/025801/06) JSE Share Code: COH ISIN: ZAE000156253 LEI: 378900E237CB40F0BF96 Company Alpha Code: COHI ("Curro" or "the Company") AWARD AND ACCEPTANCE OF OPTIONS, AND EXERCISE AND RELATED SETTLEMENT OF OPTIONS IN TERMS OF THE CURRO HOLDINGS LIMITED EXECUTIVE LONG TERM SHARE INCENTIVE SCHEME In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, the following information is disclosed regarding the acceptance by directors of the Company of options awarded in terms of the Curro Holdings Limited Executive Long Term Share Incentive Scheme ("Scheme"): AWARD AND ACCEPTANCE OF OPTIONS NAME OF DIRECTORS (1) JP Loubser (2) M Lategan (3) BC September COMPANY OF WHICH A DIRECTOR Curro Holdings Limited STATUS: EXECUTIVE/NON-EXECUTIVE Executive TYPE AND CLASS OF SECURITIES Options to acquire ordinary shares NATURE OF TRANSACTIONS Acceptance of an award of conditional options to acquire ordinary shares in terms of the Scheme, which may vest over the next five years on the dates set out below (off-market transaction). DATE OF AWARD OF OPTIONS 28 March 2024 DATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF OPTIONS 3 April 2024 OPTION STRIKE PRICE R Nil NUMBER OF OPTIONS ACCEPTED (1) 861 969 (2) 732 674 (3) 560 280 VESTING DATES OF OPTIONS The options are subject to various performance (IF PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS ARE conditions and may vest in 4 tranches of 25% each FULFILLED) over the next five years, on the following dates: - 31 March 2026 - 31 March 2027 - 31 March 2028 - 31 March 2029 TOTAL DEEMED RAND VALUE OF OPTIONS (1) R9 421 321 ACCEPTED (IF ALL OPTIONS ARE DEEMED (2) R8 008 127 TO HAVE VESTED ON THE DATE OF (3) R6 123 860 ACCEPTANCE) Based on the share price at closing on the date of acceptance of the options, of R10.93 per share. PERIOD OF EXERCISE Participants have a 6-month period from the vesting date during which options can be exercised. NATURE AND EXTENT OF INTEREST IN THE Direct, beneficial TRANSACTIONS EXERCISE AND RELATED SETTLEMENT OF OPTIONS Following the exercise of the options referred to below, and in accordance with the provisions of the trust deed of the Curro Holdings Limited Executive Long Term Share Incentive Trust ("Trust"), the Trust settled the options on an after-tax equity settlement basis, through the award of ordinary shares as detailed below: NAME OF DIRECTORS (1) JP Loubser (2) M Lategan (3) BC September COMPANY OF WHICH A DIRECTOR Curro Holdings Limited STATUS: EXECUTIVE/NON-EXECUTIVE Executive TYPE AND CLASS OF SECURITIES Options in relation to ordinary shares NATURE OF TRANSACTIONS Exercise of options to acquire ordinary shares in terms of the Scheme and related after-tax net-equity settlement (off-market transaction). DATE OF EXERCISE OF OPTIONS 2 April 2024 VESTING DATE OF OPTIONS EXERCISED 31 March 2024 The options were awarded in 2021 and 2022 and were subject to various performance conditions which were successfully achieved for the measurement period. PERIOD OF EXERCISE Participants have a 6-month period from the vesting date during which options can be exercised. OPTION STRIKE PRICE R Nil NUMBER OF OPTIONS EXERCISED (1) 366 256 (2) 195 336 (3) 73 251 NUMBER OF SHARES SETTLED (1) 201 440 (2) 107 435 (3) 40 288 The shares were transferred to the directors by the Trust on an after-tax equity settlement basis. TOTAL RAND VALUE OF SHARES SETTLED (1) R2 215 840 (2) R1 181 785 (3) R443 168 Based on the share price at closing on 28 March 2024, being the trading date prior to the date of exercise of the options and settlement of the shares, of R11.00 per share. NATURE AND EXTENT OF INTEREST IN THE Direct, beneficial TRANSACTIONS Clearance for the above was obtained in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements. Durbanville 4 April 2024 Equity and Debt Sponsor PSG Capital Date: 04-04-2024 04:30:00 Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.