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SASFIN HOLDINGS LIMITED - Dispensation Received on 60 Day Rule to Dispatch Circular

Release Date: 13/12/2023 12:00
Code(s): SFN     PDF:  
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Dispensation Received on 60 Day Rule to Dispatch Circular

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1987/002097/06)
Share Code: SFN
ISIN Number: ZAE000006565
("Sasfin Holdings" or "the Company")


Sasfin Holdings shareholders are referred to the announcement released on SENS on 13 October 2023
wherein they were advised that Sasfin Holdings, via its wholly owned subsidiaries, Sasfin Bank Limited
("Sasfin Bank") and Sasfin Private Equity Investment Holdings Proprietary Limited ("SPEIH") had
entered into binding heads of agreement, in terms of which, subject to certain suspensive conditions,
Sasfin Bank will, as one indivisible transaction, dispose of its Capital Equipment Finance business, as a
going concern, and its Commercial Property Finance business, as a going concern, and SPEIH (and
Sasfin Bank to the extent applicable) will dispose of various shares and claims in entities which form
part of the Commercial Property Finance Business, to African Bank Limited ("the Disposal").

The Disposal constitutes a category 1 transaction in terms of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements and
is therefore subject to shareholder approval and the preparation, approval and publication of a circular
to Sasfin Holdings shareholders.

Shareholders are advised that the Company has, in relation to the Disposal received dispensation from
compliance with paragraph 9.20(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, which stipulates that a
company must dispatch a circular to its shareholders containing a notice of general meeting to obtain
their approval for a transaction within 60 days of the date of announcement of such transaction.

Shareholders are advised that a circular, containing full details of the Disposal and incorporating a
notice convening a general meeting of Sasfin Shareholders will be published and distributed to
Shareholders as soon as possible and the Company will publish the date of publication of the Circular
on SENS in due course.

13 December 2023

Questco Corporate Advisory Proprietary Limited


Date: 13-12-2023 12:00:00
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