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DISCOVERY LIMITED - Acceptance of annual awards of Deferred Shares

Release Date: 01/12/2023 17:20
Code(s): DSY DSBP DSY03 DSY06 DSY07 DSY02 DSY04     PDF:  
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Acceptance of annual awards of Deferred Shares

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1999/007789/06)
Legal Entity Identifier: 378900245A26169C8132
JSE share code: DSY, DSBP
DSY ISIN: ZAE000022331
DSBP ISIN: ZAE000158564
Bond company code: DSYI
(the "Group" or "Discovery" or the "Company")


In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 and paragraphs 6.42 to 6.53 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements
and Debt Listings Requirements, notification is hereby given that certain executive directors of the Company, a
prescribed officer of the Company and directors of major subsidiaries have accepted annual awards of ordinary
shares allocated in terms of the deferred portion of the SIP through the Discovery Long-Term Incentive Plan
Trust ("LTIP Trust") and the Group company secretary has accepted an award of ordinary shares allocated in terms
of the BEE Share Trust. The deferred portion of the SIP is awarded based on the performance criteria as per the
SIP for the year ended 30 June 2023 and is settled in equity held on behalf of participants by the LTIP Trust.
The share awards of the deferred portion of the SIP and BEE are subject to continued employment.

The nature of the interest in respect of each of these awards is indirect beneficial. The transactions have
occurred off-market and the necessary clearances have been obtained.

The allocations are set out below:

Executive Director     Number of shares       Acceptance date       Reference Price*       Deemed Transaction
of Discovery Limited   accepted                                     (all figures in R)     Value (all figures
                                                                                           in R)

A Gore                 64 244                 30 November 2023      142.45                 9 151 558

D M Viljoen            49 864                 30 November 2023      142.45                 7 103 127

B Swartzberg           62 470(2)              30 November 2023      142.45                 8 898 852

Executive directors' share awards vest equally from the 3rd to the 5th anniversaries of these awards (between
30 September 2026 and 30 September 2028).

Directors of           Number of shares           Company                       Acceptance date             Reference Price*      Deemed Transaction
major                  accepted                                                                             (all figures in       Value (all figures
subsidiaries and                                                                                            R)                    in R)

H D Kallner            159 659(1)                  Discovery Limited            30 November 2023            142.45                22 743 425

J Broomberg            53 153(2)                   Discovery Health             30 November 2023            142.45                7 571 645

F Chothia              11 326                      Discovery Health             30 November 2023            142.45                1 613 389

A Ntsaluba             40 558                      Discovery Health             30 November 2023            142.45                5 777 487

N Pitje                9 733                       Discovery Health             30 November 2023            142.45                1 386 466

S A Cohen              10 768                      Discovery Life               30 November 2023            142.45                1 533 902

K S Rabson             34 884                      Discovery Life               30 November 2023            142.45                4 969 226

R J Van Reenen         29 959                      Discovery Life               30 November 2023            142.45                4 267 660

Prescribed officers and directors of major subsidiaries' share awards vest equally from the 1st to the 3rd
anniversaries of these awards (between 30 September 2024 and 30 September 2026).

Company secretary of              Number of shares                  Acceptance date                   Reference Price*               Deemed Transaction
Discovery Limited                 accepted                                                            (all figures in R)             Value (all figures
                                                                                                                                     in R)
A Ceba                            3 510                             30 November 2023                  142.45                         500 000

(1) Includes award in respect of special Outperformance SIP (on- target value reduced with increase in reward for stretch performance)
(2) Includes award in respect of Vitality Global Outperformance Plan

BEE share awards vest equally from the 2nd to the 5th anniversaries of these awards (between 30 September 2025
and 30 September 2028).

*The reference price has been used in determining the share allocations and represents volume weighted average
traded price of the Company's shares for the 5 days ended September 2023.

1 December 2023

Equity and Debt Sponsor
RAND MERCHANT BANK (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 01-12-2023 05:20:00
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