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GO LIFE INTERNATIONAL LIMITED - Results of Reconvened Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Release Date: 01/12/2023 13:59
Code(s): GLI     PDF:  
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Results of Reconvened Annual Meeting of Shareholders

(Incorporated in the Republic of Mauritius)
(Registration number: 098177 C1/GBL)
SEM share code: GOLI.N0000
JSE share code: GLI ISIN: MU0330N00004
("the Company" or "Go Life")


The Board of Directors ("Board") is pleased to announce the results of the Company's Annual Meeting held
on Thursday, 30 November 2023, where all the resolutions proposed, as set out in the previous notices of
Annual Meeting for the years ended 28 February 2018, 28 February 2019, 29 February 2020, 28 February 2021,
28 February 2022 and 28 February 2023, were passed by the requisite majority of shareholders present and
voting, in person or by proxy.

All the resolutions were proposed in one combined Annual Meeting.

The following information is provided:

Total number of issued ordinary shares:                                                              789 595 044
Total number of ordinary shares represented at the meeting:                                        1 242 500 000
Percentage of total ordinary shares represented at the meeting:                                           63.55%

The resolutions proposed at the Annual Meeting, together with the percentage of votes carried for and
against each resolution, are set out below:

2018                                                                                 Abstain      Total number
                                                           For       Against     (% of total     of votes cast
                                                   (% of total   (% of total    issued share        (excluding
Resolution                                         votes cast)   votes cast)        capital)      abstentions)

Ordinary resolution number 1:
Approval of annual financial statements for       789 595 044             -                -      789 595 044
the financial year ended 28 February 2018            100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%

Resolution number 2:
Re-election of Directors

Ordinary resolution number 2.1:
Re-election of Director - Mr Mohamed Yusuf        789 595 044             -               -       789 595 044
Sooklall                                             100.00%          0.00%           0.00%            63.55%

Ordinary resolution number 2.2:
Re-election of Director - Mr Marthinus            764 595 044             -      25 000 000       764 595 044
Johannes Wolmarans                                   100.00%          0.00%           2.01%            61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 2.3:
Re-election of Director - Mr Gerhard Naude        764 595 044             -      25 000 000       764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%           2.01%            61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 2.4:
Re-election of Director - Mr Jean Marie           764 595 044             -      25 000 000       764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%           2.01%            61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 3:
Appointment of auditors and Designated Audit      764 595 044             -      25 000 000       764 595 044
Partner                                              100.00%          0.00%           2.01%            61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 4:
Remuneration of Auditors                          764 595 044             -      25 000 000       764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%           2.01%            61.54%

2019                                                                                 Abstain     Total number
                                                          For       Against      (% of total    of votes cast
                                                  (% of total   (% of total     issued share       (excluding
Resolution                                        votes cast)   votes cast)         capital)     abstentions)

Ordinary resolution number 1:
Approval of annual financial statements for       789 595 044             -                -      789 595 044
the financial year ended 28 February 2019            100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%

Resolution number 2:
Re-election of Directors

Ordinary resolution number 2.1:
Re-election of Director - Mr Mohamed Yusuf        789 595 044            -                 -      789 595 044
Sooklall                                             100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%

Ordinary resolution number 2.2:
Re-election of Director - Mr Marthinus            764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Johannes Wolmarans                                   100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 2.3:
Re-election of Director - Mr Gerhard Naude        764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 2.4:
Re-election of Director - Mr Jean Marie           764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 3:
Appointment of auditors and Designated Audit      764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Partner                                              100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 4:
Remuneration of Auditors                          764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

2020                                                                                 Abstain     Total number
                                                          For       Against      (% of total    of votes cast
                                                  (% of total   (% of total     issued share       (excluding
Resolution                                        votes cast)   votes cast)         capital)     abstentions)

Ordinary resolution number 1:
Approval of annual financial statements for       789 595 044             -                -      789 595 044
the financial year ended 29 February 2020            100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%

Resolution number 2:
Re-election of Directors

Ordinary resolution number 2.1:
Re-election of Director - Mr Mohamed Yusuf        789 595 044            -                 -      789 595 044
Sooklall                                             100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%

Ordinary resolution number 2.2:
Re-election of Director - Mr Marthinus            764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Johannes Wolmarans                                   100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 2.3:
Re-election of Director - Mr Gerhard Naude        764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%
Ordinary resolution number 2.4:
Re-election of Director - Mr Jean Marie           764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Resolution number 3:
Appointment of Directors

Ordinary resolution number 3.1:
Appointment of Director - Mr Peter Charles Koll   764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 3.2:
Appointment of Director - Mr Patrick David        764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Wysoczanski                                          100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 3.4:
Appointment of Director - Mr Mxolisi Johannes     764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Motau                                                100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 4:
Appointment of auditors and Designated Audit      764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Partner                                              100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 5:
Remuneration of Auditors                          764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

2021                                                                                 Abstain     Total number
                                                          For       Against      (% of total    of votes cast
                                                  (% of total   (% of total     issued share       (excluding
Resolution                                        votes cast)   votes cast)         capital)     abstentions)

Ordinary resolution number 1:
Approval of annual financial statements for       789 595 044             -                -      789 595 044
the financial year ended 28 February 2021            100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%

Resolution number 2:
Re-election of Directors

Ordinary resolution number 2.1:
Re-election of Director - Mr Mohamed Yusuf        789 595 044            -                 -      789 595 044
Sooklall                                             100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%

Ordinary resolution number 2.2:
Re-election of Director - Mr Marthinus            764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Johannes Wolmarans                                   100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 2.3:
Re-election of Director - Mr Gerhard Naude        764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 2.4:
Re-election of Director - Mr Jean Marie           764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Resolution number 3:
Re-election of Directors

Ordinary resolution number 3.1:
Re-election of Director - Mr Peter Charles Koll   764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 3.2:
Re-election of Director - Mr Patrick David        764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Wysoczanski                                          100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 3.4:
Re-election of Director - Mr Mxolisi Johannes     764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Motau                                                100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 4:
Appointment of auditors and Designated Audit      764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Partner                                              100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 5:
Remuneration of Auditors                          764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

2022                                                                                 Abstain     Total number
                                                          For       Against      (% of total    of votes cast
                                                  (% of total   (% of total     issued share       (excluding
Resolution                                        votes cast)   votes cast)         capital)     abstentions)
Ordinary resolution number 1:  
Approval of annual financial statements for       789 595 044             -                -      789 595 044
the financial year ended 28 February 2022            100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%
Resolution number 2:
Re-election of Directors
Ordinary resolution number 2.1:
Re-election of Director - Mr Mohamed Yusuf        789 595 044             -                -      789 595 044
Sooklall                                             100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%
Ordinary resolution number 2.2:
Re-election of Director – Mr Peter Charles Koll   764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%
Ordinary resolution number 2.3:
Re-election of Director - Mr Patrick David        764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Wysoczanski                                          100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 3:
Appointment of auditors and Designated Audit      764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Partner                                              100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 4:                     764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Remuneration of Auditors                             100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

2023                                                                                  Abstain    Total number
                                                          For        Against      (% of total   of votes cast
                                                  (% of total    (% of total     issued share      (excluding
Resolution                                        votes cast)    votes cast)         capital)    abstentions)

Ordinary resolution number 1:
Approval of annual financial statements for       789 595 044             -                -      789 595 044
the financial year ended 28 February 2023            100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%

Resolution number 2:
Re-election of Directors

Ordinary resolution number 2.1:
Re-election of Director - Mr Mohamed Yusuf        789 595 044             -                -      789 595 044
Sooklall                                             100.00%          0.00%            0.00%           63.55%

Ordinary resolution number 2.2:
Re-election of Director – Mr Peter Charles Koll   764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 2.3:
Re-election of Director - Mr Patrick David        764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Wysoczanski                                          100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Resolution number 3:
Appointment of Directors

Ordinary resolution number 3.1:
Appointment of Director – Mr Jean van             764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Rooyen                                               100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 3.2:
Appointment of Director – Mr Dave van             764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Niekerk                                              100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 3.3:                                           -
Appointment of Director – Mr Neville Graham       764 595 044         0.00%       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%                           2.01%           61.54%
Ordinary resolution number 4:

Appointment of auditors and Designated Audit      764 595 044             -       25 000 000      764 595 044
Partner                                              100.00%          0.00%            2.01%           61.54%

Ordinary resolution number 5:                                             -
Remuneration of Auditors                          764 595 044         0.00%       25 000 000      764 595 044
                                                     100.00%                           2.01%           61.54%

Go Life has its primary listing on the Stock Exchange Mauritius and a secondary listing on the Alternative
Exchange of the JSE.

By order of the Board
1 December 2023

Executive Directors:                                                                Non-Executive Directors:
Dave van Niekerk                                                                      Mohamed Yusuf Sooklall
Neville Graham                                                                         Dr Aansa Devi Bedacee

JSE Sponsor:                                                       Management Company and Company Secretary:
AcaciaCap Advisors Proprietary Limited                                       LTS Management Services Limited

Date: 01-12-2023 01:59:00
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