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Daily Equity Report

Thu, 06 May 2010 - 20:40

2010/05/06 20:32:57 The JSE closed off 0.38% at 27513 with value traded at R 15.97 billion. Declines led advances 197 to 129 with 80 shares unchanged out of 406 active. Mining closed off 0.94% at 31872, while Industrials were down 0.13% at 26522 and financials ended the day up 0.18% at 20474.

The best performing sectors of the day were Media Index up 1.6% at 65326, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology Index up 1.3% at 10101 and Health Care Index up 1.2% at 29506, while the worst were FTSE/JSE RAFI ALLSHARE INDEX down 4.8% at 5563, Platinum Mining down 2.3% at 77 and Forestry & Paper Index down 2% at 11400.

There were 4 new 12 month highs today, including Ucs which closed up 7.4% at 218, Premium up 5.1% at 1550 and Spurcorp up 2.7% at 1325 while there were 2 new lows of which Hosp-b topped the list, down 7.2% at 1100, Arcmittal down 1.7% at 7950.

Of the major stocks Anglo was down 0.92% at 29525, Billiton ended down 0.95% at 21580, Mtn was down 1.18% at 10501, Sasol was off 0.69% at 28800, Naspersn was up 1.71% at 29343.

Best performers of the day were Cenrand up 28.71% at 130 , Cic up 17.24% at 170 , some of the losing shares included Sable down 24.96% at 1500 and Ips down 9.03% at 141

The Dow was off 1.6% at 10693.09 and the S&P 500 off 1.9% at 1143.66 a few moments ago.

Gold was up 1.5% at $ 1189.27/oz

The rand was last trading at R 7.83 to the dollar, R 11.61 to the pound and R 9.88 to the Euro.

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