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Daily Equity Report

Tue, 23 Mar 2010 - 20:20

2010/03/23 20:14:02 The JSE closed down 0.33% at 28451 with value traded at R 13.04 billion. Advances equaled declines at164 with 94 shares unchanged out of 422 active. Mining closed up 0.18% at 33351, while Industrials were down 0.76% at 27392 and financials ended the day down 0.24% at 21054.

The best performing sectors of the day were Automobiles & Parts Index up 7.7% at 1493, Chemicals Index up 1.9% at 11252 and Venture Capital up 1.7% at 84, while the worst were Platinum Mining down 2.6% at 78, Support Services Index down 2.5% at 2334 and General Industrials Index down 2.1% at 65150.

There were 9 new 12 month highs today, including Ciplamed which closed up 10.1% at 598, Palamin up 6.1% at 12200 and Absolute up 6% at 530.

Of the major stocks Sasol lost 0.88% at 28200, Mtn ended down 1.65% at 12210, Anglo moved up 0.47% at 29990, Stanbank moved down 0.58% at 11612, Naspersn ended up 1.35% at 32180.

Some of the top gainers included Afro-c up 15.17% at 167 , Ciplamed up 10.13% at 598 , while the major losers were Dcentrix down 20% at 400 and Village off 18.73% at 243

The Dow was up 0.4% at 10828.90 and the S&P 500 up 0.2% at 1167.75 a few moments ago.

Gold was unchanged 0% at $ 1103.12/oz

The rand was last trading at R 7.32 to the dollar, R 10.98 to the pound and R 9.88 to the Euro.

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