Report on Annual General Meeting Proceedings ASPEN PHARMACARE HOLDINGS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) ("Aspen Holdings") Registration number: 1985/002935/06 Share code: APN ISIN: ZAE000066692 LEI: 635400ZYSN1IRD5QWQ94 and its subsidiaries (collectively "Aspen" or "the Group") REPORT ON ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING PROCEEDINGS Shareholders are advised that, at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of members held on Thursday, 5 December 2024, a total of 341 842 859 or 76.60% of issued shares (446 252 332) were voted. All ordinary and special resolutions were passed by the requisite majority votes. The full voting statistics from this AGM are confirmed to be as follows: 1 Ordinary resolution number 1: Presentation and adoption of Annual Financial Statements For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 340 712 222 1 443 1 129 194 340 713 665 100% 0.00% 0.25% 76.35% 2 Ordinary resolution number 2: Presentation and noting of the Social & Ethics Committee Report For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 340 712 222 1 443 1 129 194 340 713 665 100% 0.00% 0.25% 76.35% 3 Ordinary resolution number 3.1: Re-election of Kuseni Dlamini retiring by rotation and available for re-election For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 284 393 302 56 969 992 479 565 341 363 294 83.31% 16.69% 0.11% 76.50% 4 Ordinary resolution number 3.2: Re-election of Linda de Beer retiring by rotation and available for re-election For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 332 810 581 8 764 793 267 485 341 575 374 97.43% 2.57% 0.06% 76.54% 5 Ordinary resolution number 3.3: Re-election of Neo Dongwana retiring by rotation and available for re-election For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 340 588 416 991 365 263 078 341 579 781 99.71% 0.29% 0.06% 76.54% 6 Ordinary resolution number 3.4: Re-election of Chris Mortimer retiring by rotation and available for re-election For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 239 339 678 102 300 651 202 530 341 640 329 70.06% 29.94% 0.05% 76.56% 7 Ordinary resolution number 3.5: Re-election of Yvonne Muthien retiring by rotation and available for re-election For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 337 551 544 4 088 785 202 530 341 640 329 98.80% 1.20% 0.05% 76.56% 8 Ordinary resolution number 4: Reappointment of Ernst & Young Inc. as independent external auditors For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 341 622 125 18 204 202 530 341 640 329 99.99% 0.01% 0.05% 76.56% 9 Ordinary resolution number 5.1: Election of Ben Kruger as a member of the Audit & Risk Committee For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 341 024 341 615 988 202 530 341 640 329 99.82% 0.18% 0.05% 76.56% 10 Ordinary resolution number 5.2: Election of Linda de Beer as a member of the Audit & Risk Committee For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 337 006 741 4 568 633 267 485 341 575 374 98.66% 1.34% 0.06% 76.54% 11 Ordinary resolution number 5.3: Election of Neo Dongwana as a member of the Audit & Risk Committee For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 341 575 798 3 983 263 078 341 579 781 100% 0.00% 0.06% 76.54% 12 Ordinary resolution number 5.4: Election of Yvonne Muthien as a member of the Audit & Risk Committee For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 327 890 505 13 749 824 202 530 341 640 329 95.98% 4.02% 0.05% 76.56% 13 Ordinary resolution number 6: Place unissued shares under the control of directors (5%) For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 311 842 562 29 797 767 202 530 341 640 329 91.28% 8.72% 0.05% 76.56% 14 Ordinary resolution number 7: General but restricted authority for the directors to issue shares for cash (5%) For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 313 784 056 27 856 273 202 530 341 640 329 91.85% 8.15% 0.05% 76.56% 15 Ordinary resolution number 8: Authorisation for an Executive Director to sign necessary documents For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 341 611 612 28 717 202 530 341 640 329 99.99% 0.01% 0.05% 76.56% 16 Non-binding advisory resolution number 1: Endorsement of the remuneration policy by way of a non-binding advisory vote For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 313 446 978 27 967 033 428 848 341 414 011 91.81% 8.19% 0.10% 76.51% 17 Non-binding advisory resolution number 2: Remuneration implementation report For Against Abstain* Sh res voted* 313 267 296 28 146 715 428 848 341 414 011 91.76% 8.24% 0.10% 76.51% 18 Special resolution number 1.1a: Remuneration of non-executive directors – Chair For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 341 203 157 237 372 402 330 341 440 529 99.93% 0.07% 0.09% 76.51% 19 Special resolution number 1.1b: Remuneration of non-executive directors – Board Member For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 338 674 470 2 766 059 402 330 341 440 529 99.19% 0.81% 0.09% 76.51% 20 Special resolution number 1.2a: Remuneration of non-executive directors – Audit & Risk Committee Chair For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 338 674 470 2 766 059 402 330 341 440 529 99.19% 0.81% 0.09% 76.51% 21 Special resolution number 1.2b: Remuneration of non-executive directors – Audit & Risk Committee Member For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 338 674 470 2 766 059 402 330 341 440 529 99.19% 0.81% 0.09% 76.51% 22 Special resolution number 1.3a: Remuneration of non-executive directors – Remuneration & Nomination Committee Chair For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 338 674 470 2 766 059 402 330 341 440 529 99.19% 0.81% 0.09% 76.51% 23 Special resolution number 1.3b: Remuneration of non-executive directors – Remuneration & Nomination Committee Member For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 338 674 470 2 766 059 402 330 341 440 529 99.19% 0.81% 0.09% 76.51% 24 Special resolution number 1.4a: Remuneration of non-executive directors – Social & Ethics Committee Chair For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 338 674 470 2 766 059 402 330 341 440 529 99.19% 0.81% 0.09% 76.51% 25 Special resolution number 1.4b: Remuneration of non-executive directors – Social & Ethics Committee Member For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 338 674 470 2 766 059 402 330 341 440 529 99.19% 0.81% 0.09% 76.51% 26 Special resolution number 2: Financial assistance to related or inter-related company For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 330 694 939 10 712 401 435 519 341 407 340 96.86% 3.14% 0.10% 76.51% 27 Special resolution number 3: General authority to repurchase shares For Against Abstain* Shares voted* 331 470 775 9 942 210 429 874 341 412 985 97.09% 2.91% 0.10% 76.51% *Disclosed as a percentage of total issued shares as at the date of the meeting. Durban 05 December 2024 Sponsor Investec Bank Limited Date: 05-12-2024 03:00:00 Supplied by Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.